Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
Concerning Locks and Keys
If you do not see your question answered below, please call your Customer Service Representative or our Customer Service Hotline at 732-225-3777—we welcome your questions, comments, and suggestions!
Q1. Who has the key(s) to our facility?
A1. The only people who have the key(s) to a Customer’s facility, besides the Customer, are a team from Federal Business Centers who respond to after-hours emergency calls.
Q2. How many interior offices have locks placed on the doors?
A2. At the time Customers move into their premises, they may choose three (3) interior doors to have locksets. The three (3) locksets are a courtesy.
Q3. Who do I call when I want more office doors to have locksets?
A3. Please call your Customer Service Representative.
Q4. How many keys do I receive for each lock at my location?
A4. Customers receive three (3) keys for each exterior door lock and two (2) keys for up to three (3) interior door locks.
Q5. How can I get “keyed-alike” locks for my exterior doors?
A5. Customers should call their Customer Service Representative for assistance.
Q6. When is it recommended to have my exterior door locks changed?
A6. For security purposes, Customers may want to change the exterior door locks when they have personnel turnover, when an employee loses his or her keys, or when they have chosen a new janitorial company.
Q7. Who do I call when my exterior door locks need to be changed?
A7. Customers should call our Customer Service Hotline at 732-225-3777 for assistance. We will change the exterior locks at a Customer’s premises as a courtesy. If possible, 24 hours’ notice makes it easier to serve you.
Q8. What should I do when I get locked out?
A8. It is Federal Business Centers’ policy to only communicate with one or two “authorized representatives” for each of its Customers, who are identified to Federal Business Centers by Customers during the initial move-in process. When a Customer gets locked out of its premises or has an interior lock that must be unlocked, the Customer’s authorized representative must call the Company’s Customer Service Representative to arrange to have the door in question opened. For security reasons, Federal Business Centers will not unlock a door for any unauthorized representatives.
Q9. What should I do when I lose my keys or if I need additional keys?
A9. We recommend that Customers call Brothers Locksmith at 732-985-3326 or Maffey’s Lock & Safe Co. at 908-351-1172. They are both included on our Recommended Companies List.
Q10. What can be done to help prevent the door locks from jamming?
A10. We recommend lubricating the door locks with WD-40 once a year. We also recommend that you check the lock screw, on occasion, to ensure that it is tightly secured. If the screw is loose, it could cause the lock to jam.
Q11. What should I do if my key doesn’t work?
A11. Customers should call our Customer Service Department at 732-225-3777 for assistance.
Q12. Why can’t deadbolts be installed on any interior or exterior doors?
A12. With respect to exterior doors, it is against the Fire Codes of Edison and Woodbridge Township to install deadbolts on egress doors. With respect to interior doors, we do not recommend installation of deadbolts because they can damage both the door and the jamb. If Customers place deadbolts on their doors, they will have to pay to have the doors replaced, not repaired, upon moving out of their Premises.
Q13. What would happen if non-standard locks were installed on any of my doors?
A13. For emergency access purposes, our Customers’ premises shall only have locks that can be opened with Federal Business Centers’ master key. All locks not on Federal Business Centers’ master key system must be removed and replaced with one of Federal Business Centers’ standard locks, by the Customer, at the Customer’s expense. Please note that Maffey’s Lock & Safe Co. is the only locksmith authorized by Federal Business Centers to install or replace locks.